Get to Know Us
The Crunchy Prepper exists as a resource for holistic family preparedness. Let us show you how to survive emergencies and thrive through long-term trials with proper planning strengthened by a solid community.

My Story
Hi, I'm Ria and I founded The Crunchy Prepper. I've been prepping for life's disasters for the past 15 years. You could say I had a baptism by fire into the world of survival when, at the age of 18, I completed The Crucible and graduated from Marine Corps boot camp. Soon after that, I met my husband and we spent our leisure time hiking, camping, and shooting a lot of guns - oh, and racing motorcycles.
Being a Marine was a lot of fun but I knew what I really wanted, was to be a mom, and so right as my military contract was ending, we had our first baby - in our bathroom, at a nearly-unassisted home birth. I’ve been pregnant or nursing ever since, and we are currently expecting our 5th child!
There’s nothing like motherhood in the modern world to introduce one to the serious failings of our food system, our health & healing systems, and the lack of a supportive village in which to raise our children. I had already spent several years pursuing a holistic lifestyle for myself and my family alongside being a “prepper”…but the truth is, my true wake-up call came when my son was diagnosed with a rare syndrome that came with a LONG list of foods he was suddenly allergic to.
I realized that so much prepping advice is focused on conventional solutions that we holistic, ahem “Crunchy Moms”, know come with risks to our health. And as a result, we don’t prepare for emergencies. That my friends, has got to change because bread lines won’t be gluten-free.
We don't want to rely on bread lines anyway, we want to know how to bake our own sourdough (or sorghum or rice or King Arthur measure for measure flour), and we want to do it alongside our friends. In fact, if you stick with me, you'll not only have food storage that rivals your great-depression great-grandmother, but you'll also build the skills to survive non-food-related emergency situations. Join this community and we’ll do it together. Get prepared, stay crunchy.